Thursday, December 5, 2019

The Pony Bead Christmas Tree

*Original Pictures Taken* 

If you’re looking for a fun, easy creative project to do then look no further. There is the pony bead Christmas tree. You can use all kinds of different ribbons and colorful beads.

A big thank you to a different blog through the Pinterest site in able to help make me use these as they were the steps I took to make it.

You need a yard of skinny ribbon whether that be green, black or red. Pony beads; I used red, green, silver, gold and yellow. (I made a few.)

- Cut about 3 feet of ribbon and fold in half. Then make a loop at the top and tie a knot.

- Slide the yellow or gold bead on the right side of the string. Then use the left string and put it through the beads on the other side.

- Keep doing this about eight times and switching, between right and left, for different rows. Also adding on a new bead everytime. So the next line would have two beads. The following would have three, etc.

- If you want at the end to add a tree stump then go back to either two or three beads in a brownish color. Or you can do what I did and add alphabet word beads to personalize it.

- Tying the knots on either side can be a little tricky. You want to make sure they’re big enough and tight enough so they don’t slip and slide or fall off.

And there you have it. The pony bead Christmas tree. Hope you enjoy it.

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