Thursday, December 19, 2019

Something Called Grace

*Photo Credit: Pinterest* 

As of lately, one of my favorite things have been a word called grace. I’ve been finding quotes and word images that have been so inspiring. I don’t think it’s something I come without but something I only use if necessary. Like if the situation calls for it. It’s kind of like a shimmering light that guides the lost back onto their path. Grace is also like the warmest blanket that makes us feel safe and warm. Grace. Just grace. Or graceful. There’s an art to it.

I’m not just talking about how it’s used in the Bible or a name for girls. An elephant can kind of be graceful with how large, old and wise they are. The definition, according to the Google search engine,  is simple elegance or refinement of movement. The history of the word comes from Middle English, Old French and Latin. Loosely compared to grateful.

So the next time you have yourself a cup of whatever it is you like to sip on, then I hope you think of what makes you graceful. Or what grace means to you? Is it like a swan who flaps its wings over a blue lake? Live your days with grace.

Grace. Just graceful.

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