Thursday, November 28, 2019

Happy Thanksgiving

*Original Artwork Drawn* 

Why Do You Like Thanksgiving?

I like Thanksgiving because of the all the wonderful food that nourishes our bodies and what we want to have gratitude for.

My favorite foods I like to eat on this holiday are the cranberries, Turkey, and startches. Such as corn, mashed potatoes and bread rolls etc. I really couldn’t pick which one I had to live without like if the feast was on a severe budget cut or something. It’s actually ironic because as I look up the most disliked Thanksgiving dish, it is the one that I have listed. To be clear, I like the smooth, jelly kind. Not the crushed or with fruit kind of cranberries. Yeah. Getting hungry over here but moving on to the next thing.

I am grateful for being in a good place, I am thankful for the family and friends who help me with that as they are my tribe, I am blessed because I want to keep doing what’s best for me. It’s important to show gratitude because it’s nice to be appreciated. Whether it’s to celebrating with lots of family and friends with good food to just being valued for the little things life has to offer.

Happy Thanksgiving from my blog to yours.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Fear In A Name

*Photo Credit: Pinterest*

It’s been a Harry Potter weekend at this house. Last night was watching the third film and part of Goblet of Fire. In the third film or also book, there is a scene where the face a magical creature in a classroom. Yes I am talking about a boggart. A boggart only takes shape and form of what frightens the person most when they see them. They like dark spaces and nobody knows what they look like outside of that, which makes them terrifying. It was said, a long time ago during a different part of my life, that mine would be a heart. But no longer. I have since then been through some changes and have decided my boggart is now a staircase. Yes. That’s right.

I don’t particularly think they’re going to jump out at me and yell boo but if they’re more than a hundred steps then I start to get extreme out of breathness. I am good about normal sized staircases and about going down them. Mainly, because I think I am ready to get the heck off that. But what bothers me is going up them. That’s when the trouble starts. This hasn’t always been and something more newer.

To make it less scary and more humorous I would turn it into a slide or something similar to it. So that’s something Harry Potter-ish to know about me. My boggart is a staircase.

Friday, November 22, 2019

Types of Journals

*From OutofPrint*

I can’t begin to express how excited I am about this journal I am getting. Except it’s so pretty and of one of my favorite book and movie fandoms I am afraid to write in it. So for this blog post I thought it would be cool to go over some of the different journal ideas.

#1. Writing journal: This is the type I am most familiar with. Expressing thoughts and emotions in between the pages.

#2. Travel/Adventure journal: I don’t feel as though I travel enough to be qualified to have one. Might go to the beach or somewhere different every once in a while but not on a continuing quest.

#3. Dream journal: The last dream I remember having was something in dark blue. While I have dreams and nightmares like a normal person, sometimes they are hard to remember later throughout the day.

#4. Food journal: I personally wouldn’t want a documentation of all the foods I eat. But if for instance, you were somewhere different, it could be a neat idea.

#5. Reading/Book journal: I like this idea. It would help keep track of all the books being read. It could also contain thoughts on what’s going to happen to favorite quotes.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Adele Quotes

*Photo Credit: Pinterest*

Four years ago today, an amazing album called 25 was released to the world by my favorite musician, Adele. I decided to put together a few quotes by the singer:

  • “I don’t make music for eyes. I make music for ears.” 

  • “I’m like Johnny Cash. I only wear black.” 

  • “If a man whistles at you, do not respond. You are a lady, not a dog.” 

  • “Life is so much easier when you don’t hoard on your past.” 

  • “I ain’t lost just wandering.” 

Sunflower Ornaments

*original photo taken*

A favorite pastime of mine has been making sunflower Christmas ornaments. I saw a trend online about the sunflower Christmas tree and decided that I had to have one for myself. I used Pinterest to look up ideas and came across the ornament, which could possibly be great for adding on a tree. Most people just stick them in between the branches but I wasn’t convinced that would work. So thus, came to be the yellow decoration. Today I’m going to be telling y’all how I did my version.

I got clear glass sphere refillable ornaments from a craft store. I bought at least ten. Granted some of them are being used as gifts. I got yellow ribbon. I also got brown and green tissue paper. Then from a different retailer store I got the sunflowers. The whole thing I felt like wasn’t that expensive. I was pleased when I started making it for gifts that I went when I did because they were almost out of the product.

I took a sheet of tissue paper, either color, and crumbled it a little and arranged it in a way to put in the glass ornament. I then put the paper in the orbe. With the sunflowers, I was able to take them off the stem, and take the plastic off holding it together. Then I arranged the petals how I wanted it on top of the tissue paper. Fitting it perfectly in the ornament isn’t going to happen but you don’t want them to be too smushed but just open enough. Then you seal the ornament with the tissue and flower in it. The last step is to use the yellow ribbon through the hole. I added on pony beads as an extra personal touch to them.

But there you have it. Some guidance on how to make a sunflower Christmas ornament.

Monday, November 18, 2019

Monday Messages

*Original Photo Taken*

I feel as if I missed a boat, a big one that sailed out in a different direction. Like the rest of the world. While I love my book, music, and cd collection as much as a girl could, I thought I’d try to sell one part of that. Oh those pleasing sounds to ears. However, after a thorough Google search, I realized this was no easy task. Sure there were potentials and possibilities but the places I would have taken them to are out of business. Completely gone as if erased from memory. I had wondered what happened to them, actually. To me I feel like I might as well keep my two and a half boxes worth and  keep enjoying them. You see, there might be a big change in my life, and wanted to try and clear up space. It’s not about the money. Some of them are good and almost all of them are gently used. I just wanted to see what would go and what would stay put. I’m not even sure about recycling.

I miss the days where big retailers had large selections of entertainment. I sincerely hope that they do not completely go extinct. Some of us still enjoy actually holding a book in hand because audible is a challenge. What will become of the future? A good question we must all be ready for when it happens. Granted I think there will always be people who love the books, music and movies. But it could be in some other shape or form that modifies the world.

It doesn’t make me sad. It’s just realizing how much things have differed.

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Book Social Mixed Feelings

*Photo Credit: Pinterest*

Reading is definitely a hobby I enjoy. It takes me to far off places, meet people I never thought of knowing and gives me a chance to support a new favorite author or an old time one. I have probably started a couple GoodReads accounts to keep track of all the books I have read during the year. However, once it logs me out I can never remember the email that was used or the password I chose. My book count was never particularly high because while I like to read I can’t read like I used to. It is extremely hard to be in one sitting and read for hours. The concentration it takes, takes an enormous amount of effort. I go at my own pace. If it takes me three days to read a book I really like then great. If it takes me two weeks to finish then that is also fine. For instance, there is a book right now I am currently trying to make my way through but a lot times it sits and stares back at me. It’s not a bad book or doesn’t come highly recommended. Just wouldn’t want that to be on the social site either. I’d be curious if anyone else experienced this problem or if I really wanted to could contact someone about it. But at this point, it’s been so old might as well start all over again. I’m not sure that I want to do that this coming year because I don’t want to start feeling negatively about it. I guess it’s good for the very avid reader or bookworm. To look back on all the books read during that time. It’s also good for quotes and to see people’s reviews on them. One other thing I do like about them is that sometimes they feature readers with their books. It’s neat to see the creativity or places about the love for ones books. 

Friday, November 15, 2019

Ways To Love A Biscuit

*Photo Credit: Pinterest* 

They say, that breakfast is one of the most important meals of the day. However, there are some exceptions to them being great snacks too. I typically tend to get the store bought kind. While I think of myself as creative, I am not the kind of creativity needed in a kitchen. I just love the eating part though. Which brings us to the different ways on how to eat a delicious biscuit.

#1. Plain and hot.

#2. With butter.

#3. With butter and some kind of jam.

#4. With meat and eat it as like a sandwich.

#5. Maybe even with a little bit of bacon.

Other sites include making them into mini pizzas or having gravy on them. Biscuits are very tastey. They are just the right amount of bread and sometimes they melt in your mouth. I even think they are traditionally a Southern food. Here’s to yummy food testing.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

My Mug Collection

*Original Photo Taken*

I have seen a heart warming story on social media about how women collect mugs. That one of her old boyfriends made fun of her for it and the new one then built her a place to display them all. My point is, that people love their mugs. I thought it would be cool to talk about my own mini collection of them. They range from special gifts people have given me to ones I have bought myself. Some are several years old and others were bought within the last month. I particular favor the ones I use for ice cream. Because some days you just need it to handle a crappy day. Mugs can also be used to put stuff in it. Like to use as a pencil holder and decorate a desk with. My part contains seven mugs. I always say I don’t need another mug but then usually there is a different cute mug that I must use. There is one not featured because it reveals the place of residence. Mugs make good gifts but as souvenirs I am always nervous about the factor of bringing them home or buying them online. Wish there was an easy way to solve this problem. Other than a safe box and bubblewrap or tissue paper.

All in all, mugs are some of the little things in life to enjoy. Whether they be a fun moo cow one from a friend to one that says caffeinated pose. Please don’t focus on the other objects on display in this picture. It doesn’t do my collection justice but shows them, that’s what I deem as important.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Ten Things About Me

*Original Photo Taken*

It’s been a while since I’ve done one these facts about me so here it goes:

#1. One of my favorite Harry Potter quotes is, “It does not do well to dwell on dreams and forget to live.” Spoken by Albus Dumbledore.

#2. Sunflowers and sea turtles are one of my more recent likes.

#3. I met Jeff Foxworthy once.

#4. Adele is one of my favorite musicians.

#5. I love Autumn and when the leaves change colors.

#6. I love my paper bookmarks from my travel. I use them when I read.

#7. I am a picky eater.

#8. If I were to get a tattoo it would be a Harry Potter one or something small and meaningful.

#9. I’ve lived in the South for most of my life but still can’t stand foods like sweet tea or coleslaw. But I can say y’all like no tomorrow.

#10. I have a letterboard for creative purposes. They’re fun. I don’t use it for what most individuals use it for.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Monday Messages

*Photo Credit: Pinterest* 

I am feeling refreshed and ready to keep blogging especially after a weekend at the beach for Veteran’s Day. It’s still pretty early on in November and thought I’d start with my November goals not just life goals:

- stay focused and committed:
  Blogging can get pretty tough sometimes especially when creating wholly original content. Learn to rest at many things, not quit. When feeling inspired, try to sit down and write out thoughts.

- keep doing what you’re supposed to be doing:
  This one is more personal related. I’m dealing with something unpleasant at an aspect of life for me. I’ve tried really hard to make nice and be friendly but this person particularly keeps making it hard. It’s obvious they do not want to be friends but we need to somehow be peaceful with each other. Not just only be critical.

- Do something fun and continue making sunflower ornaments:
  This year I saw a trend of the sunflower Christmas tree and fell in love with it. I’ve already made quite a few ornaments but want to make some extra. They turned out cute and better then expected. A lot of people were really supportive and encouraging of them.

- Do not start watching Gilmore Girls for a third time!
  This one is particularly hard. I am starting to memorize the lines a little bit. At least at certain parts.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Just One More Time

*Picture of Self* 

Hi and welcome to my little place on the Internet kimberlyanne-blog. This is a personal, lifestyle and creative site that shares thoughts and ideas in the blogosphere. I love writing for those niches because it doesn’t have to fit in just one category. Sometimes I get to be a little too much, others are just more generalized and some are pure fun. Besides expressing myself through words I like to use pictures. Despite found through the popular social media site Pinterest, I also share my own and artwork. I appreciate those who have stuck with me so far. 2019 has been kind of like a test run. I’m really excited to get back to writing again and will mostly be blogging my way through twenty twenty. If not more than that!

Thanks and enjoy the future posts of kimberlyanne-blog.