Friday, November 22, 2019

Types of Journals

*From OutofPrint*

I can’t begin to express how excited I am about this journal I am getting. Except it’s so pretty and of one of my favorite book and movie fandoms I am afraid to write in it. So for this blog post I thought it would be cool to go over some of the different journal ideas.

#1. Writing journal: This is the type I am most familiar with. Expressing thoughts and emotions in between the pages.

#2. Travel/Adventure journal: I don’t feel as though I travel enough to be qualified to have one. Might go to the beach or somewhere different every once in a while but not on a continuing quest.

#3. Dream journal: The last dream I remember having was something in dark blue. While I have dreams and nightmares like a normal person, sometimes they are hard to remember later throughout the day.

#4. Food journal: I personally wouldn’t want a documentation of all the foods I eat. But if for instance, you were somewhere different, it could be a neat idea.

#5. Reading/Book journal: I like this idea. It would help keep track of all the books being read. It could also contain thoughts on what’s going to happen to favorite quotes.

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