Saturday, November 16, 2019

Book Social Mixed Feelings

*Photo Credit: Pinterest*

Reading is definitely a hobby I enjoy. It takes me to far off places, meet people I never thought of knowing and gives me a chance to support a new favorite author or an old time one. I have probably started a couple GoodReads accounts to keep track of all the books I have read during the year. However, once it logs me out I can never remember the email that was used or the password I chose. My book count was never particularly high because while I like to read I can’t read like I used to. It is extremely hard to be in one sitting and read for hours. The concentration it takes, takes an enormous amount of effort. I go at my own pace. If it takes me three days to read a book I really like then great. If it takes me two weeks to finish then that is also fine. For instance, there is a book right now I am currently trying to make my way through but a lot times it sits and stares back at me. It’s not a bad book or doesn’t come highly recommended. Just wouldn’t want that to be on the social site either. I’d be curious if anyone else experienced this problem or if I really wanted to could contact someone about it. But at this point, it’s been so old might as well start all over again. I’m not sure that I want to do that this coming year because I don’t want to start feeling negatively about it. I guess it’s good for the very avid reader or bookworm. To look back on all the books read during that time. It’s also good for quotes and to see people’s reviews on them. One other thing I do like about them is that sometimes they feature readers with their books. It’s neat to see the creativity or places about the love for ones books. 

1 comment:

  1. I've never considered a social reading platform but I will look into it as it sounds like a useful idea. I like your blog by the way.
