Lavender Farm Bucket List
One of my ideal things to do locally, once again, has been put off. It’s to visit a lavender farm. Every year we keep thinking oh it will be there and was proven wrong this time. I want to be able to stroll through the purple sea and enjoy the breath taking scenery before me. I want to experience the life that surrounds the place and maybe purchase a reminder of what the day was like. Now, I will do my best to avoid the bees as I’m sure are there too but will still love the idea. There have been other times when I could have gone by myself but wanted to share it with a family member. I have heard great things and seen flat out gorgeous pictures of nature so that’s part of its appeal but the fact that we had a few options of going some place close to home really hit hard. Mostly, I am known for liking sunflowers but am not opposed to other beautiful plants. A lavender farm seemed like a good alternative.
While doing a little research on the flower, lavender is apparently used to treat back pain and insomnia by the Ancient Greeks. If true then I should always keep a bouquet around just for their healing properties. It’s meaning is purity, devotion, serenity, grace and calmness. Last but not least, it is known for its beauty, fragrance and multi purposes.
I hope one year I will get to go to a lavender farm.
While doing a little research on the flower, lavender is apparently used to treat back pain and insomnia by the Ancient Greeks. If true then I should always keep a bouquet around just for their healing properties. It’s meaning is purity, devotion, serenity, grace and calmness. Last but not least, it is known for its beauty, fragrance and multi purposes.
I hope one year I will get to go to a lavender farm.