Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Sad Note

*Photo Credit: Found on CNN* 

Hey everyone.

It saddens me to say, that I will not be blogging for a while. I choose this because I still want to remember my life before coronavirus. I do not want this blog to start echoing others and become a source of the pandemic. I want to remember the happy times. Not just in terms of being able to go out and about whenever but also memories and spending it with loved ones. Maybe I will return to this one. Maybe I’ll start a new one when the time comes. Life still goes on if it weren’t for the virus that is now being a big part of our lives.

For me, I have stayed at home for a week. There are things I miss such as going to part time work normally, running errands, being behind the wheel, etc. But I am glad I do not have to miss the air in my lungs, or how pretty a sky can be, or being together with my family. I’m doing the best I can. Trying to not be so afraid of something that could be life or death. Washing my hands and trying to be  more aware.

Sure I could blog how to do a make your own face mask. But that’s so morbid and hard to think about. So I hope you’ll understand this call.

Stay safe and at home readers. Kill those germs and find peace. Thanks for taking the time to read anything I write and share.

Monday, March 23, 2020

Ain’t Nothing But A Hound Dog

*Original Photo Taken* 

Ain’t Nothing But A Hound Dog

In honor of National Puppy Day, which is celebrated on March 23rd, I came up with some of my favourite types of canines. Some of them are from personally working with the breed to special connections.

#1. German Shepherds: The current family dog we have is a German Shepherd Rescue mix. He has the markings but also probably has part collie in him too. So, therefore, we have the representation. I have found that they make great family dogs. They have a little bit of fierceness in them as well as intelligence.

#2. Golden Retrievers: The ultimate family dog. Most of the time, they are kind, loyal and smart. This was our family dog growing up. She I think lived to be about fourteen and will always be special to my dad. I love how their fur is not just the golden yellow color. Some of them come in white too.

Notable Mentions:
- Rescue :)
- Bernese Mountain Dogs
- Newfoundlands
- Basset Hounds

While, I might be a little biased, dogs make great pets. Good for company and having someone to take care of.

*Written before COVID-19*

Thursday, March 19, 2020

Being Introverted

*Photo Credit: Pinterest*

For a long time now, I’ve considered myself being an introvert. That doesn’t mean shy or stand-off-ish. It just means sometimes I need my space and to be left alone. These past few days, granted, have been a little busier with my family home, but haven’t been all that bad. It will be bad if I can’t do anything these upcoming weeks. Keeping my absolute have to be somewhere’s to a minimum to almost nothing. I know the extroverts out there are having a harder time then we. But in all sincerity, staying at home is one of my favorite things to do sometimes. I don’t mind small groups of people and can even tolerate large numbers to a point before anxiety kicks in. Social media does help make us feel more connected, like we’re going somewhere without ever having to really leave. Or the opposite. Being somewhere else and taking us some place different. So whatever’s online try to keep posting normal or upbeat. It’s so easy to give into the virus. I myself have only done it a little bit, even though, it’s very much on my mind. So here’s a list of some of my favorite other things to past the time:

- Streaming, Watching actual cable or dvds
- Sketching or arts and crafts
- Playing with my dog
- Coming up with ideas for my living space
- I occasionally read and/or listen to music

Monday, March 16, 2020

Thoughts On A Page

*Original Photo Taken* 

In my opinion, through observation, the cherry blossoms came early this year and I still have yet to grasp a picture of their beauty. The picture is from the gardens around this time last year. Before things got restricted from the virus, I had intentions of going out and reliving the experience. I guess there’s always fall and I have yet to see it them in the cool, crisp autumn air. But I was transported to another world when I saw a recent photo of the tree alley through another’s lense. Ah gardens, a lovely place to be, but home isn’t so terrible either. With a roof, a fireplace and WiFi.

The virus is not completely taking over our lives but it is something we cannot get through a conversation without. I probably went to one of my last trips of the grocery store stocking up on favorites and snacky items. I limited myself in just going to the doctor’s office for an injection. Something that is oh so necessary and do I say, even vital. Both my parents are at work. My mother is a teacher, who went to the school grounds knowing this could be one of the last times doing so. My father is in finances, at an engineering company, and I don’t know exactly what all he does in a typical day but I imagine an office with a phone ringing.

I always call it researching when I surf the web and find other really motivational and inspiring bloggers. Sometimes it’s how they perceive things and able to capture it really well. Well, anyways, I missed putting myself through the narrative. Being able to just flat out write life.

With the virus going on, life is of the essence, fill it with lots of sunflowers and happiness that is enjoyed. Whether that be a good cup of caffeine, sunlight streaming through a window, or just being with the ones we love. Be in good health friends.

Monday, March 9, 2020

Let Your Light Shine

*Photo Credit: Pinterest*

Last summer, something I enjoyed was catching fireflies. No, they didn’t scare me. There’s kind of an overgrown area that’s a little hidden from down the road of where we live. It never lit up for me when it crawled around on my hand but maybe that’s a good thing. Since fireflies shine their bright light when they attracting another insect. That fact is more typically found in males.

I love their meaning and it’s symbolicism. It is definitely a sign of summer, for me. Not just that but also brings magic and a sense of wonder. It’s like being a kid again when you’re an adult. That the sometimes chaotic ness becomes quieter just for a moment. To some, a firefly can just seem ordinary. Especially, if it’s during the day, but once when night comes around, they shine. This means that things are not always as they seem.

Sometimes we should all be more like a firefly letting hope and joy fill our paths.

Sunday, March 8, 2020

Pinkish Thoughts on Women’s Day

*Photo Credit: Pinterest*

“Real queens fix each other’s crowns.”

Today is International Women’s Day and I want to take the time on this blog to write about why pink is a popular and favorite color among females of all different ages. For myself, I can honestly say, I don’t really own any clothing that is of the bright hue. I’m more of a purple gal. That doesn’t mean I don’t dislike the color. It’s just a little scarce in my closet. At a recent baby shower I attended to, the color theme was a lovely pink, white and gold. It was a happy event and the couple in particular is of my own family. I remember a bedroom in my grandparents house decorated in pink wallpaper, growing up. Its a color that has been in different aspects of my life. Whether I’ve known it to be there or not.

So how does pink affect people? According to one online article, both men and women wore the color. It was just another color. It can be referred to in literature or entertainment such as Little Women and The Great Gatsby. Other figures wore it too such as Marilyn Monroe or Mamie Eisenhower. Current examples are Dolores Umbridge from Harry Potter and Regina George from Mean Girls.

What does color psychology say about pink and it’s cause? Well, it says the meaning represents compassion, nurturing and love. It is ultimately a sign of hope. This makes sense to me because the color pink is also associated with breast cancer awareness. The first sign of the ribbon goes back to 1979. It is also the leading cause of death in women all around the world.

**In addition, I also want to explain the picture chosen and quote. Because while it’s not so much related to the actual topic of this blog article, it does wholey capture a perspective on the non traditional holiday. Meant to inspire and create a spark from within. Something that pink does for so many people too.**

What does pink mean to you? How do you know the color is in your life? 

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Part of the Playlist

*Photo Credit: Pinterest* 

I liked the Dixie Chicks growing up and I believe their album Wide Open Spaces was one of the first albums I owned. I was listening to an old cd by them recently to find it had a skip in some of the best songs. That cd was hard to find then and would be harder to find now. But on the plus side you can listen to them through Amazon Prime. I’m still adjusting to their sound with Gaslighter that was released recently through social media. I thought it could be fun to make a list of some of my old favorites by them:

#1. Cowboy Take Me Away
#2. Traveling Soldier
#3. Wide Open Spaces
#4. You Were Mine
#5. Not Ready To Make Nice

Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Be In Good Health

*Photo Credit: Pinterest* 

It’s impossible to not turn on the television and hear about coronavirus. In all honesty, it freaks me out a little. So what is this outbreak? Coronavirus is a large family of viruses that cause illnesses from the common cold to more severe. They are zoonotic, which means they can be transmitted between both animals and people. I found this information through World Health org.

How to help prevent it:
- Wash your hands! If it helps you can sing in your head the abc song or happy birthday twice.
- Don’t touch your face. I am now extremely aware of when this happens and took it for granted, when I had the chance. Apparently, according to one Huffington post article, awareness is a key step to breaking the habit.
- Your supposed to stay home if you are sick.

I believe that the first sighting of this was in the state of Washington, in the United States. So there you have it from this little personal/lifestyle blog. An article about a current event that is happening.