Friday, February 7, 2020

Sunflower Inspiration

*Photo Credit: Pinterest* 

Why I’m Inspired By The Sunflower 

Believe it or not my likeness towards the beautiful, yellow flower didn’t start until last year. When I went down to the local art museum, where they had planted acres of them. I would go multiple times during the summer just surrounded by the happiness. Sure it was hot sometimes. It could also be crowded because of other people. But being in the middle of a field was light and fun. I hope to do it again this summer. Where I live there are a couple different places one can go to get their sunflower needs met. However, where I go, is the closet. I even enjoyed seeing them being grown on the high way while driving by.

My social media feed gets flooded with lots of pretty pictures by the plant. I try to find appropriate quotes that go with it and then share what motivates me. One of the reasons I enjoy them is because the radiate positivity. They are an instant happiness factor. From their height, to the yellow, to how butterflies like to be around them. You just can’t help but be happy from them.

When summer comes around, I highly recommend checking something out near you. Like a field or a farm or something. You don’t have to be like me when it comes but it’s a good experience.

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