Thursday, June 4, 2020

Five Things I Can’t Live Without

Five Things I Can’t Live Without

Today I thought it would be a good idea to go over some of the things I can’t live without. It’s important to remember what we love during life changing times. Sure there are a lot more basic things such as air, food, and even toothbrushes but I am trying to make my list a good combination of what’s needed and more personalized, individually. 

#1. Having a safe place to live; shelter, a home: This is pretty self explanatory even though there are people out there who cannot say this, which is a different kind of sadness. Having a roof over one’s head is the first one I could think of because we all want to know things are going to be okay. 

#2. Family and friends: Again, this one is fairly obvious but I felt necessary to put it in here because while even though there are moments when I need my space and quiet, I know I need other moments being surrounded by good people and the ones I love. 

#3. Harry Potter Marathons: Yes, this is one of my silly things. I grew up reading the books and have read them many times. I think most of the time when they are playing on television, I am watching them. Sometimes it’s on as background noise but I still have them being played. 

#4. Wearing jewelry: I wasn’t sure about this one, because it could be perceived as a little shallow and superficial. But I want to explain. This is a big thing as to how I dress up an outfit. It could be sweats, jeans and a T-shirt but throw on the right kind of sparkle and you got this. I’m not that terribly into labels or big designers and I find it impractical to wear high heels. So what I lack for in shoes, I make up for. 

#5. Having grace or being worthwhile: These are two very important values I hold dearly. Having grace is a more recent thing as of last year. Trying to hold myself to a standard and worthwhile is a variation of an adjective from a family name. 

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